
I hate the term “ajax” and I mostly refuse to use it… So I will refrain here.

The following javascript provides the basic/core functionality for all modern web applications: the asynchronous HTTP request.

function doHttpRequest( strUrl, objRequestData, bDoPost, callback )
  var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    alert('Your browser is too old... Sorry.');
    var strRequestData = "";
    for( var strKey in objRequestData )
      var strValue = objRequestData[strKey];
      if( strRequestData.length>0 )
        strRequest += "&";
      strRequestData += encodeURIComponent(strKey) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(strValue);
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
      if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
        if( xmlhttp.status!=200 )
          alert("Error in HTTP Request...\n\nStatus: "+xmlhttp.status+"\n"+xmlhttp.statusText);
          var cbParams = { 'xmlhttp':xmlhttp };
    if( bDoPost )
      xmlhttp.open("POST", strUrl, true);
      xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
      xmlhttp.open("GET", strUrl+"?"+strRequestData, true);

Anyway, that’s all mostly for my benefit. I usually end up having to write that stupid function from scratch once or twice a month…

You also may ask “why would you bother with the nuts-and-bolts like this when you could use some existing javascript library/framework?”. Well, there are people who use frameworks … and then there are the people who write the frameworks. There’s a lot more job security in the latter :)

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